Friday, May 1, 2020

What is Mathematisation & Why ?

What is mathematisation???????

 If we consider a very uncommon example may help us work out some sort of answer to this type of question. It is an example of counting objects /articles /things. We may count our belongings the number of students, the number of fingers in our hand, and the number of anything we want to think about more precisely, more clearly and of course with counting numbers we get to quantify things, do arithmetic. 
In common  the word 'mathematisation' to refer to the mental processes which produce mathematics from ancient times. 

Mathematisation is a word that strikes a chord among most of the students, especially those who have been tensed by the void traditional or mechanical manner in which mathematics has been taught from ancient times and has been used by most of us to capture what they would consider as the heart of the mathematical enterprise – the thinking and the reasoning process of learner.

Therefore in the precious mathematization of a problem or area of study consists of applying mathematical concepts/innovative ideas to that problem or field so as to think more precisely or clearly about things.

Firstly, French-born economist and mathematician cum Nobel Laurate Gerard Debreu introduces an account of events that relates to the origins of interdisciplinary in economics. In the analysis of Market trend, Economics or commercial activity somehow allocate numbers to products/object/things for purchase/sale or in other words for transactions. The rules of the business may not always be clear but numbers ( mathematical symbols ) are somehow assigned to costs and revenues to optimize their gain or loss.

Not only in recent times but from decades spread of mathematised economic (economical) theory was helped even by its esoteric character in business and management. Since its messages cannot be deciphered by modern welfare economists like Nobel laurates Amartya Sen who do not have the proper key, their evaluation is entrusted to those who have access to the code. But acceptance of their technical expertise also implies acceptance of their values of welfare and development economics in the era of mathematisation.

The beauty of mathematics is that it is clear thinking with a logical approach. A person is tempted to add, however, that mathematics is clear thinking plus the mental tools used to clarify our thinking. So algorithms, mental tools or structures are created like number systems, Decimal system which makes sorting out things and ideas about things much more precise.

In recent times a variety of scientific fields have seen increasing mathematisation throughout the last four decades. Driven by the construction of large-scale data processing facilities in the All Engineerings and Branches of Natural sciences (including Medical science also) and the introduction of digital tools and models in the human and social sciences, contemporary research practices are increasingly dependent on mathematics.

The fields such as Artificial Intelligence in computer science, cognitive neuroscience, linguistics, Aerospace Engineering, Climate science & Weather forecast, Economics, and network science, research is being mediated through the development, integration, and application of mathematical models on the basis of mathematisation. Although, this dependency on applied mathematics (Like Statistics & Operation Research, etc) and more broadly on computation and digitalisation has so far received little attention by scientists as well as philosophers of science along with mathematisation.

In nutshell, we may hope that a serious, ingenious, study of mathematisation will help all of us in mainly two respects: it will help to connect the inner mathematical experience with its outer objective form and, in the classroom, it will help us to handle the individuality and spontaneity of students who are coming to terms with the most impersonal and rigorous subject we ask them to learn. 

Mathematisation is a word that strikes a chord among most of the students, especially those who have been tensed by the void traditional or mechanical manner in which mathematics has been taught from ancient times and has been used by most of us to capture what they would consider as the heart of the mathematical enterprise – the logical thinking and the reasoning along with positive attitude, or More precisely, mathematisation is the act of putting a structure onto a structure.

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