Monday, May 25, 2020

Aims for mathematics education at the elementary stage & Secondary stage

Aims or the main goal for mathematics education in schools is the mathematisation of the child’s thinking using various strategies/techniques
if we consider a real situation that is similar to most of us (Maybe up to 99.99 % in my opinion) that, Among all the school subjects, maximum emphasis is given by any chid to learning mathematics. We must all have experienced, during our school days and also being a teacher(Now), the extent of pressure exerted on children to perform at a higher level in mathematics in comparison with other subjects like Languages, Sciences, Social Sciences, Music & art, etc. Although the parents, irrespective of their educational status (including the first-generation Learner), suppress their children very hard to perform well in mathematics and perhaps maximum study time at home is spent on doing homework and creative activity (Learning of Tables is common phenomena for Parents up to 5 /10 /15 or 30 for brilliant students) in mathematics than in any other subject. 
Aims or the main goal for mathematics education in schools  may differ according to the opinion of persons but rigorously may be similar like 

At Elementary Stage

  • At the most basic level, mathematics involves counting objects, recognizing numbers, and performing simple operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 
  • In the primary grades, students should be master these skills including general concepts of maths like factors, multiples, and classification of numbers and we have to provide numerous opportunities instead of rote learning methods. 
  • Upon exiting at elementary stage (primary school), children should be comfortable with writing and identifying numbers, rote counting forward and backward & comparing numbers and quantities. 
  • They should also be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers, and knowing about vice versa of basic operations.
  • Clarity of thought and pursuing assumptions to logical conclusions is the main aim of learning mathematics.
  • There are various ways of thinking, and the kind of thinking one learns in mathematics is an ability to handle to approach about  problem-solving.
  •  The school mathematics must be activity-oriented for the learner.

At Secondary Stage

  • To develop the powers of logical thinking and reasoning in the learner. 
  • To Shifting the focus of mathematics education from achieving ‘narrow’ goals to ‘higher’ goals to the learner.
  • To solve mathematical problems of daily life by mathematisation of the learner. 
  • To understand and acquainted with the environment and culture with mathematisation.
  •  To prepare the learner for various technical and auspicious future professions.
  •  To prepare the learner for higher study. 
  • To develop in the learner the power for invention 

The general aim of Mathematics Education

  • To engage every student with a sense of success, while at the same time offering conceptual challenges to the emerging mathematician.
  • To Changing modes of assessment to examine students mathematisation abilities rather than procedural knowledge continued from ancient times.
  •  Enriching teachers with a variety of mathematical resources from time to time. 

As per position paper on 'Teaching of mathematics' by national focus group(NCF ) In India by NCERT are such as

  • The mathematisation of the child’s thought processes.
  •  Curriculum may be ambitious, coherent, and teaches important mathematics.
  • School mathematics must be activity-oriented.
  • Children learn to enjoy mathematics.
  • Children learn important mathematics.
  • Children see the importance of mathematics in various ways as something to talk about, to communicate, to discuss among themselves, to work together on.
  • Children pose and solve meaningful problems.
  • Children understand the basic structure of mathematics.
  • Teachers expect to engage every child in the class.

Therefor to know about the aim of mathematics Education is very important before learning and inculcating among children or Mathematics lovers fraternity.

1 comment:

  1. So nice of you sir.
    You are definitely true lover of MATHEMATICS.


If you have any doubts, Please let me know.

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